All About Slate Roofing

If you’re looking to get a unique, timeless, and high-quality roof for your home, slate roofing tiles may be just what you need! Along with the many positives that make slate tiles an intriguing option for your home’s roof, there are some additional considerations, as for any roofing material, you’ll want to take into account.  

Here’s all you need to know about slate roofing:

The Advantages of Slate Roofing

Investing in slate roofing for your home has some major upsides, mostly because it’s a natural stone product that is sure to make your roof stand out. Take a look at all the amazing pros to entice you to choose this roofing material:

  • Beauty – One of the main reasons homeowners want to use slate tiles for roofing is its beautiful and unique appearance. No other roofing material has a classier, more regal and timeless look. Also, slate tiles can be found in varying sizes, thicknesses, and colors including gray, green, purple, black, red and mixed so you can get the perfect look for your home.
  • Long-lasting – Most roofing tiles, particularly the most popular type, asphalt shingles, are made to last between 20 and 30 years before needing to be replaced. A slate roof, however, can last for well over a century if properly constructed.
  • Fire-resistant – Slate tiles are among the most fire-resistant roofing options, which is essential in keeping your home and family safe. Unlike other materials, slate is entirely fireproof on its own, so you can feel confident your roof won’t catch on fire from wildfires, fireworks, adjacent house fires, and more. 
  • Environmentally-friendly – Roofing waste accounts for about 5 percent of the total waste in landfills in the United States each year. This natural stone, while incredibly long-lasting, is a great option to minimize any environmental impact.

Additional Considerations When You Choose Slate Roofing

Just like any roofing option, there are several negatives you may need to consider before deciding on slate tiles for your home. Be aware of these cons before choosing slate for your home’s roof:  

  • Cost – Because of its longevity and it being a high-quality natural stone, slate tiles are more expensive than other roofing materials. The installation cost will also be higher since fewer people are aware of how to install it properly. 
  • Requires Expertise Installation – Slate roofing is less common than other roofing materials, and many roofing companies don’t have the necessary skills and knowledge to install slate tiles properly but they may try anyways. Be sure that you hire a roofing team with plenty of experience and solid references from past slate roofing installations.
  • Maintenance and Repairs – If, for any reason, slate tiles are damaged, cracked or fall, replacing them calls for careful attention and a specific skill set.
  • Weight – Slate roofing is much heavier than other roofing materials. Slate tiles can range between 800 and 1,500 pounds per 100 square feet, so you must have your house inspected for structural stability prior to installation.  

If you have more questions or are interested in slate tiles for your roof, make sure to call a trusted team of professionals to get you what you need.


Interested in slate roofing or need a roof replacement or repair? We’ve got you covered! The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your roof both looks great and functions properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 to learn more.

Tips For Keeping Deer Off Your Property

Here in Connecticut, there’s no shortage of deer! While they typically mind their business and are away in the woods, if they find your plants and shrubs tasty and enticing, they’ll be coming back time and time again! It’s certainly reasonable for you to want to do what you can so they spend their time elsewhere. Luckily, you have plenty of options to safely keep these pesky deer off your property and away from your home. 

Fence Your Property

The most effective method of keeping deer off your landscape is to utilize fencing. Though this may be laborious and more expensive, installing proper fencing at least 8 feet high around the perimeter will help keep deer out. You can opt to put in temporary fencing just for the winter season, but be sure you have an area to store it throughout the warmer months.

Cover Your Plants

Deer most often come on your property because they’re looking for something tasty to eat, so try to make their food source unattainable. Do this by covering your shrubs and plants with burlap, deer netting, or secured tarp so no deer can get to it. Deer will mainly target any new trees or plants, making it important to prioritize covering those.

Utilize Repellents

You can purchase various deer repellents to keep deer from returning to your property while looking for a meal. Spray your repellent across your trees, plants, and shrubs from the ground up to 6 feet high for a season-long barrier to keep deer away. You may need to reapply the repellent after lots of rainfall and change the type of repellent to prevent deer adaptation.

Plant Natural Deer Repellent Plants

You may also want to consider planting various plants and shrubs that act as natural deterrents for deer. Swap out tulips or lilies for daffodils in your garden, as daffodils as they are unpalatable to deer. You may also want to consider planting thorny roses and other prickly plants that deer won’t want to go near, such as fuzzy lamb’s ear, cleome, or barberries.

Create Levels

Deer are not good climbers, so adding levels to your property is an effective way of keeping them out. You can do this by adding sunken beds, terraces, or stacking pallets around your home’s perimeter. As well, any important potted plants or greenery you wouldn’t want them getting, you can move to your porch as they will likely not climb your stairs. 


Does your roof need some repairs done? We’ve got you covered! The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your roof both looks great and is functioning properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 to learn more.