How to Prepare Your Home For Summer Storms

Though summer is filled with lots of sunshine, you also have to be ready for those sudden stormy days, and summer storms are no joke. Because of the heavy downpours, hurricane winds, and more, it’s crucial you take the time to prepare your house so it’s ready to handle all that mother nature has to offer and keep you and your family safe.

Here are some tasks to add to your summer storm preparedness checklist:

Clear Limbs and Trees

The most common and most expensive damage caused by storms is from trees and branches knocked over by strong storm winds. Start by clearing any loose debris on your lawn or around your house. Regular maintenance and clean-ups of your property’s trees is the best protection method so you can feel comfortable knowing there is less of a risk of your home getting damaged during severe weather. 

Check Your Roofing System

Give your roof an inspection to ensure it’s ready to handle the heavy rain and winds. If there are any leaks, missing or damaged shingles, or other concerning damage, it’s crucial you have these issues fixed as soon as possible. Call your local roofing company in Connecticut to help with the inspection and to correct any problems quickly.

Check Your Gutters

Your gutters work hard to take runoff water from your roof and remove it safely away from your house, to prevent leaks and water damage. Check if there are any blockages or breaks throughout your gutter system before any storms to ensure they are ready to do their job.

Secure Outdoor Furniture

The last thing you’ll want is all your outdoor furniture, accessories, and decorations getting knocked over and broken or hitting your house. So, before a storm, go outside and take some time either storing outdoor items inside that you can or securing the furniture carefully down so winds won’t lift it up.

Be Prepared For Power Outages

With severe weather conditions, power outages for hours, days, or more are very likely. Don’t be left panicking in the dark, but instead, get prepared to handle the outage ahead of time. You’ll want to gather up batteries, flashlights, solar chargers, and more to ensure you have some light and make sure you have food and water available. As well, if you have a generator, make sure it has everything it needs to operate and is ready to go. 


If you’re looking to have your roof fixed or redone or your gutters replaced or cleaned, we’ve got you covered! The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing and gutter systems both look great and are functioning properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 to learn more.

Home Exterior Color Trends For 2021

Are you thinking about doing some updating to your home’s roofing system or siding? Maybe a color change is in order! If you’re trying to find some inspiration for a color scheme perfect for your house, the 2021 exterior color trends are a great place to look. 

Take a look at this year’s top home exterior color trends:

Warm Whites

Like how the weather is warming up, so are the preferred home color palettes, starting with white! Homeowners are loving the trend of using organic materials such as wood, rocks, and greenery to decorate their home’s exterior. A friendly, warm white pairs perfectly with these elements to make them pop rather than blending in with the environment.  

Pale Grays

Over recent years, the popularity of using light grays for home design has decreased, but that changes now! To balance warm white accents, pale grays or grays with green undertones have been a popular color of choice. 

Beige and Tan

Another set of popular warm colors for this year include tan and beige. Both calming and comfortable, shades of tan and beige pair well with nature and are a classic option for various architectural styles. 

Light and Mid-tone Blues and Greens

Blues and greens are still popular home color choices, and this year, the pale and mid-tones of these cool colors are increasing in popularity. These shades of blue and green manage to help your home stand out while also instilling a sense of calmness, beauty, and home.

Dark Brown and Black

Though dark colors covering a home’s exterior is typically a home design no-no, many homeowners are giving the style a try! Dark brown and black are making their way into the home design circuit this year for their sleek and modern feel. It’s quite a statement!


If you’re looking to have your roof fixed or redone or your gutters replaced or cleaned, we’ve got you covered! The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing and gutter systems both look great and are functioning properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 to learn more.

How To Avoid Roofing Contractor Scams

Every year, thousands of homeowners who were just looking to take care of their home’s roof fall victim to roofing company scams. It happens more often than you may realize!

All of us at Landmark Exteriors want to remind you of the importance of contacting a reputable roofing company when it comes to inspections, repairs, and replacements for your roof to ensure you are getting the highest quality craftsmanship and are not being scammed.

Take a look at these tips to help you avoid the most common roofing company scams:

Avoid Door-To-Door Salesman

Most scam roofing companies will find homeowners to manipulate by going door to door, especially after a storm. They will likely offer a free inspection and will work to convince you to let them on your roof to point out something needing to be fixed, but never let anyone on your roof! Scammers can create damage themselves while you’re not looking and you’ll be stuck with an even bigger mess. Though there are honest door-to-door roofers out there, be very cautious, trust your instincts, and call your reputable local roofing company for help instead.

Never Sign Something You Haven’t Read

You can spot a scammer easily because they’ll be quick to wave complicated papers and documents in your face, coupled with a sense of urgency, so you sign quickly without reading thoroughly. Never do this, and instead, read every word, including the fine print before you sign your name on any paperwork. 

Never Pay In Full Upfront

You should never have to pay a roofing contractor more than what is a reasonable deposit, meaning no more than 10%-20% of the total cost for the job. Scammers may explain that they need the full amount right away to help them buy all the required materials and hire people, but this is not true. 

If The Quote is Too Good To Be True, It Probably Is

Scammers will be sure to entice you by giving you a quote you couldn’t refuse, but don’t get too excited because it’s likely too good to be true. Especially if they start bargaining the price, you can be sure this is a scam, and you should look elsewhere.  

Stand Strong Against Sob Stories

Fraudulent roofers like to use your emotions against you as a tactic to take your money. They might tell you a sob story or beg for your services to make you feel guilty, but this is almost always a lie. You may feel sad, but you need to stand firm and look to a reputable roofing company instead.


If you’re looking to have your roof fixed or redone or your gutters replaced or cleaned, we’ve got you covered! The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing and gutter systems both look great and are functioning properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 to learn more.

How Does Roofing Maintenance Save You Money Long-Term?

As any homeowner knows, there’s a lot to consider and time and money to allocate when it comes to exterior house maintenance. While many choose to correct problems as they arise, this can be a damaging practice for your home’s roofing system. 

So, does roofing maintenance help save you money long-term? Simply put, yes! If you want to avoid severe problems with your roof and incredibly costly fixes or replacements, regular maintenance is your best option.

Why Invest in Regular Roof Maintenance?

Many homeowners choose to skip roofing maintenance and inspections entirely, which is a mistake. If this sounds like you, your roof may be at serious risk of a severe or catastrophic problem that will be very costly to fix, especially if not caught soon. There are plenty of reasons why regular roof maintenance should be included in your list of to-do’s when caring for your home, with saving money long-term being the biggest. Here are some more top reasons why roof maintenance is beneficial to you and your wallet:

  • Extend your roof’s life – Any major roof issues will affect its longevity, and that means you’ll need to invest in a brand new roof sooner than you initially thought. Handling any problems sooner rather than later will prevent these problems from escalating.
  • Prevent early deterioration – The materials used to put your roof together each have their own lifespans. To ensure these materials last as long or longer than what your roofers assured you they could, regular maintenance will be required.
  • Make the most out of your investment – A roof is a huge and necessary investment, and when buying your home, a portion of the cost is for the home’s exterior with a roof making up a large portion of that exterior. Without a roof over your head, there is no home, so be sure to take proper care of it.
  • Protect your home’s interior – Even the smallest of cracks can cause leaks into your home. The whole function of a roof is to protect you, your family, your valuables, and anything else inside your home, so it’s essential to make sure that your roof is still able to handle its job at all times.
  • Take advantage of warranties – Your roof’s warranty may cover some maintenance checks and fixes, so take advantage of it! Some warranties won’t cover specific repairs if maintenance was ignored, so be fully aware of your policy and utilize it.    

Call us today for a quote

If you’re looking to have your roof fixed or redone or your gutters replaced or cleaned, our Fairfield roofing contractors have you covered! The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing and gutter systems both look great and are functioning properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 to learn more.