What To Do With Your Fall Leaves

Leaf cleanup on your property is an important job every time fall rolls around, and it can seem like foliage just keeps on piling up. Instead of mindlessly filling up bags with your autumn leaves, turn them into something beneficial or fun!  

The team at Landmark Exteriors has some ideas for what you can do with your fall leaves, besides leaving them in a bag on your curb:

Make Mulch

Leaves are a natural mulch that can help protect your gardens! Add some leaves to the tops of your soil to prevent weed growth, and as an added layer of protection from the cold and snow, so your plants are healthy and happy once spring returns.  

Improve Your Soil

You can also take some shredded leaves and mix them right into your soil. As they decompose, your soil will become more nutrient-rich, leading to more earthworms and other microorganism activities that help your plants grow.  

Get a Compost Pile Started

If you’re not already composting, now is a great time to start! Take your fall leaves and pile them in an open corner of your yard to get your compost started; making a simple structure with wood or chicken wire helps them not to blow away. Keep layering other compostable materials such as grass clippings and kitchen scraps and watch them decompose throughout fall and winter. When spring arrives, you’ll have a great compost mix to add to your garden soil.  

Make a Scarecrow

If you’re looking for a fun fall project with the kids, try making your very own scarecrow! Use old clothes, some dry leaves, and grab a pole to display your new creation to ward off birds in your garden. 

Fall Decorations

Some of your fallen leaves may be more attractive than others, so take advantage of these! You can use leaves with different colors and shapes to make some gorgeous fall-themed decorations for both inside and outside your home. Try adding them into a vase with some fall flowers or lights!

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

How Do I Remove Leaves From My Roof?

Autumn is here, which means those leaves will fall and make a mess before you know it. With the many lists of things homeowners have to worry about, leaves piling up on your roof may not be one of them, but it’s something important to consider, and here’s why:

Why Do You Need to Remove Leaves From Your Roof?

If you ignore your leaf piles on the roof, the dead foliage will decay and eventually cause moisture to be trapped against any roof shingles. With this trapped moisture, mold and algae are likely to grow, causing serious and costly damage. 

Also, the leaves will eventually make their way into your gutter system, causing clogs and preventing water from being safely drained away from your home. This is especially a concern if you haven’t taken the time to clean out your gutters during the fall season. 

How to Get Rid of Leaves on Your Roof

Unfortunately, the strong winds may not be enough for them to blow off completely to let you avoid any concern. Taking a hands-on approach to removing your roof’s leaves is the best to ensure there are no issues — and here are your best options:

  • Roof rake – You can buy a roof rake from your local store that helps you brush off leaves from your roof while safely standing on the ground. A broom attached to an extension pole can also work if you don’t want to purchase a roof rake.
  • Blower – If you have a ladder handy and someone to help hold it steady, you can take your leaf blower up and quickly blow all the leaves off your roof. 
  • Call a professional – Give your local roofers a call for help cleaning off and inspecting your roof, so you don’t have to worry. 

The tool you use will depend on the pitch of your roof and your comfortability, but calling a professional for help and advice is always your best bet. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.