Can A Roof Be Repaired During Winter?

Roofer installing new asphalt shingles

Simply put, yes, your roof can be repaired during the winter! Sometimes, your roof must be fixed if it received any severe damage due to the winter elements, which can often happen. Destruction caused by snow, hail, ice, and more often leads to other costly problems in and around your house. No matter the cause for damage, a fully functioning roof is essential to you and your home’s safety.

Here are some pros and cons of roof repairs during the winter months:


Here are some positives of getting your roof repaired during winter:

  • Problems are solved immediately – As we mentioned, roofs do a lot of work and are exposed to many harsh elements, especially during winter. Getting repairs done right away can ensure no further problems are created.
  • No heat is escaping your home – As a result of roof damage, hot air will escape, leaving you with a colder home and higher energy bill, so getting repairs done is essential.
  • Cheaper – Since warm weather is always busier for roofers, the cost of repairs may be less expensive.
  • Ready for spring – Your roof will already be in tip-top shape before warm weather arrives, and it’s one less spring-ready chore to get done.


Here are some negatives to getting your roof repaired during winter: 

  • Shingles take longer to seal – Though it may be cheaper, it may take your roofers longer. If your roof has shingles, replacing them is a timely task as they require a specific temperature range to seal correctly.
  • More difficult to schedule – Weather is undoubtedly unpredictable, and roofers need to work under safe conditions, making it harder to plan and schedule roofers to come and get the job completely done.
  • More dangerous – As we mentioned, weather can be harsh, making it often unsafe for roofers to work, so there are more chances of risks and problems completing the job.  


Does your roof need some repairs done? We’ve got you covered! The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your roof both looks great and is functioning properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 to learn more.

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