What Happens When a Tree Falls on Your House?

You may be safe inside your home when a storm hits, but what about your property? High winds, rain, thunder, and lightening can all take a toll on your home — and even large trees! That’s right, sometimes a storm can be so bad that a tree ends up falling on top of your roof. Here are the necessary steps you should if this ever happens to you.

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We know it hurts to sit back and not do anything, but removing a tree from your property can be really dangereous. Wait for the pros who have the qualifications and experience necessary to get the job done right.

Check Inside

Check inside your home for signs of damage and then call a professional. You may not find anything substantial, but sometimes damage may not be visible, so it’s important to make sure your property is thoroughly checked just in case.

Document Everything

You will want to take pictures all around your home for your insurance claim and your own personal records. Try to snap some shots of every angle — even inside your home and after the tree is removed.

Fix Your Roof

Contact a roofing specialist to repair or replace your roof. Landmark Exteriors Home Care division provides an extensive list of services to keep your home in great shape. Large or small, we take care of everything from routine maintenance items like gutter cleaning to emergency roof repairs. At Landmark Exterior Home Care, we take pride in finding solutions to your problems and helping you sustain the beauty of your home.

If you’re looking for a dedicated, experienced, and dependable roofing contractor, look no further than Landmark Exteriors! To learn more about our services, check out our website or speak with one of our professionals at 203.838.3838.

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