New Year’s Resolutions For Your Roofing System

A new year is beginning, which means it’s time to think about your goals. If you’re a homeowner, why not include caring for your roof in those resolutions of yours? Your home is one of the biggest and most important investments you’ll ever make, so making homecare a priority year after year should always be on your list.  

Your roof, specifically, is one of the most important aspects of your house, and many homeowners continue to ignore the care and maintenance they need to get the most out of your investment. In the new year, make these resolutions for your roof to ensure its working and looking its best:

Get a Professional Inspection

One of the best ways to ensure your roof is in good condition is to get periodic inspections. As a homeowner, you can look around your roof for any signs of damage when you’re outside, but having a professional come take a look once or twice a year is essential. An expert will be able to spot missing or broken shingles, look for signs of mold growth, holes, and potential problems as well. Additionally, getting regular inspections can help you prevent costly repairs down the road.

Get Repairs Done 

If you are told you need repairs done after your inspection, don’t wait. Since roofs have to continuously handle the harsh elements, damages can get worse quickly, making them more costly. Even if there are just minor issues, it’s always better to get them fixed right away.  

Keep It Clean

Another important way to increase the longevity of your roof is keeping it clean! Start by making sure trees around your house are trimmed back, and any debris is removed. Moreover, depending on your roofing material, make sure it is being properly maintained. For example, if you have a cedar roof, regular cedar shingle maintenance is needed to keep it looking great and doing its job.  

Don’t Ignore Your Gutters

A home’s gutters are also an important part of the roofing system; make sure they get the attention they deserve as well. Gutters and downspouts collect debris which leads to clogs, so don’t forget to give them a thorough cleaning at least twice a year. In addition, if there are any damages, don’t wait to get those fixed either. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

The Dangers of Ice Dams For Your Roof

Icicles are considered one of the true natural beauties of winter and can often be found hanging off the side of your home. However, a large build-up of icicles after a winter storm could be a sign of a very serious problem with your home’s roofing system.   

What are Ice Dams and What Causes Them?

Ice dams are ridges of ice that hang off the edges of your roof, like a big formation of icicles. These ice dams get in the way of snow melting and draining off of your roof. 

Ice dams form due to indoor hot air rising through the ceiling and attic, therefore warming the roof surface. If snow is sitting on your roof, it will quickly melt and flow downward until it meets the lower parts with a temperature below freezing. This freezing water then turns into an ice dam, which can continue to grow as this process continues. 

What Do Ice Dams Mean For Your Home?

As previously mentioned, ice dams form due to hot air rising in your home and melting snow off your roof’s surface. This process occurs due to poor ventilation in your attic space. Proper air circulation and ventilation in an attic are crucial to the well-being of your roof, especially during the winter months. So, if you are noticing more and more ice dams forming after each snowfall, it’s time to look to your attic and see about adding more vents. 

Why are Ice Dams Dangerous?

Ice dams themselves can be incredibly dangerous for you and your home too. First of all, as they melt or strong winds blow, they can break off and harm anyone or anything underneath them with their sharp point and weight, making them a serious hazard. As for your house, if left undisturbed, they can destroy your gutters, loosen roofing shingles, and lead to leaks. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Home Winter Preparation Checklist

Is your home ready for the cold and snowy weather on its way? Proper winterization of your home is essential to ensure it can handle the drastic change in temperature and keep you and your family protected throughout the season. 

Take a look at these important areas of your house to check and make sure they are prepared for winter:

Inspect Your Roof

Your home’s roof is one of the most important defenses for your house from the harsh elements this winter, so it’s crucial to make sure it’s in working order. Have your roof professionally inspected to ensure that any damages can be spotted and fixed as soon as possible. Also, make sure any debris is cleared off and nothing is blocking any vents.  

Trim Trees

If you have overhanging tree limbs or branches, now is the time to cut them down. Trees can be a serious hazard to your roofing system and home since wind and snow can force them down and potentially cause damage. 

Clean The Gutters

Your gutters are likely clogged with debris such as leaves and sticks from the fall season, so make sure to have them thoroughly cleaned out before snow comes! As the snow melts off your roof, that water needs to be safely rerouted away from your home’s foundation, making clean gutters an essential aspect of a proper roofing system. Don’t forget to check the downspouts too!

Insulate Your Windows

Drafts of cold air seeping in through cracks and crevices can drive up your energy bills and leave you with chills! If you notice any air leaks in your home’s windows, take some time to properly insulate them with weather stripping, caulking, or other methods so you can stay warm while inside. 

Check The Fireplace

Giving your fireplace and chimney an inspection from inside and outside your home can ensure it’s all ready for some cozy winter fires. Be sure to look for any debris buildup, missing or crumbling bricks, a functioning chimney cap, and that the roof flashing is tight against the chimney during the inspection.  

Make Sure Your Heating System is Working Properly

Don’t be left in the cold with a broken heating system once winter weather arrives! Take the time now to have your home’s heating system checked that it’s in working order and get any issues repaired quickly. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Tips For Improving Your Attic Ventilation

It’s true – ensuring your attic is properly ventilated can help improve your home’s energy efficiency, extend your roof’s lifespan, and prevent mold growth and damage! 

The attic space is sealed off from the rest of your home, and your living areas are fully insulated themselves. However, if your attic is poorly ventilated and gets too hot and humid or dry and cold, it could start affecting the rest of your house. An attic with proper ventilation should have an equal amount of entering and exiting air circulating to prevent air from being stored and impacting your house’s temperature.  

Making sure your attics ventilation is up to par can go a long way, so these five tips for improving your attic ventilation are here to help: 

Assess the situation. 

Before making any changes, it’s important to assess what extra ventilation your attic needs, and if so, how much. Checking based on the current season is the most helpful:

  • In the summer – On a hot summer day, touch your ceiling with your hand. If it is feeling noticeably warm, this means your attic is storing hot air, and more ventilation is needed. 
  • In the winter – If you notice ice buildup on your eaves during the winter season, better ventilation is needed in your attic.  

Install roof vents.

Soffit planks, like your siding, help connect the roof’s overhang to the exterior walls of your home and conceal the roof beams. Soffit vents provide a space for outside air to enter your attic from below to create adequate circulation when paired with roof vents. Like roof vents, it’s also important to check that they aren’t blocked by debris regularly.   

Install soffit vents. 

Soffit are planks, like your siding, that help connect the overhand of the roof to the exterior walls of your home and conceal the roof beams. Soffit vents provide a space for outside air to enter your attic from below to create adequate circulation when paired with roof vents. Like roof vents, it’s also important to check that they aren’t being blocked regularly. 

Install gable vents. 

When roof and soffit vents aren’t enough to keep your attic properly ventilated, gable vents are the next step to get additional airflow. Located at the gable ends of your roof, these vents help air circulate out of the attic space and often have controllable openings as well. It’s common to see homes with only gable vents, which are rarely sufficient, and roof and soffit vents will be needed.  

Use fans to improve the airflow. 

Since attic ventilation relies on the natural rising of hot air, if you live in a more humid climate, fans may be needed to help increase airflow. Attic fans can be powered electrically or by solar panels, and some can even be connected to a thermostat to go on automatically.

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

How Proper Attic Insulation Helps Your Roof

What are the Benefits of Attic Insulation?

When you’re a homeowner, there’s a chance you have a running list of everything you need to do to keep your most prized possession — your home —  afloat for the years to come. And while an attic is usually an afterthought in most cases, it should be front and center on your list — along with your roof. 

That said, if you have not had insulation installed in your home’s “bonus space” or the current insulation has seen better days, here’s why you should consider having it installed or reapplied by a trusted professional.

Extends the Lifespan of Your Roof

Let’s cut to the chase: Having proper insulation in your attic will help extend the lifespan of your roof. This is possible because home insulation acts as a barrier between your humble abode and the elements. And since your roof gets the brunt of the proverbial stick from Mother Nature, the space needs all the help it can receive to reduce the likelihood of a problem from occurring.

Insulation in your attic, when installed properly, will help save the underside of your roof from condensation. Unfortunately, more times than most, when an attic is insulation-less, condensation can cause wood-rot — and that’s only the start of an unfortunate series of element-related events for your roof.

Protects Your Roof From Harsh Elements

Remember how we discussed that insulation could prevent condensation from forming in your attic? Well, it can also prevent ice dams from forming on your roof. When heavy, melting snowfall refreezes in the evening, that’s when an ice dam starts. However, insulation in your attic will help keep the heat present and lessen the possibility of ice dams forming.

Now, in the summertime, your roofing materials may begin to deteriorate if heat begins to rise to your roof. Luckily, having the proper attic insulation in place will prevent that from occurring. Additionally, insulation will also help keep your home cool and cut energy costs in half; you’ll find yourself tampering with the thermostat on your central air conditioner less often!

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Winter Damages To a Home’s Exterior to Watch For

The winter weather never fails to be intense and can wreak havoc on the outside of your house. As a homeowner, it is important to know how exactly the cold temperatures and ice can cause damage and concerns. Here’s what to look out for this winter season:

Snow and Ice on the Roof

Winter weather takes a toll on your roofing system. The continual condensation and freezing process can lead to loosening and broken shingles and leaks, especially if your roofing system has been inspected recently or properly maintained.  

Ice Dams 

Those icicles, also called ice dams, hanging off the side of your roof may look beautiful, but they are very dangerous and not a good sign. The heavy ice weighs on your gutter system and can easily cause breaks. Water will also build up because there is nowhere for it to safely flow away from your home and can cause damage. Keep an eye out and carefully try to melt or break the ice dams when they appear.  

Siding Damage 

Your siding is a crucial layer of protection for your home during the winter months, making it vulnerable to damages from cold temperatures and storms. Some signs of damaged siding include warping, paint peeling, mold, mildew, and rot. Be sure to address any issues as soon as possible before they persist and worsen.

Walkways and Driveway Cracks

The cold can also cause problems for your walkways and driveway. Ice can create cracks in the concrete, and asphalt and salt can wear the surfaces even further. These cracks can lead to algae growth and leave openings for melted ice to seep into and then refreeze and grow. These spots will require dilling and the removal of any moss or algae that has developed.    

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

5 Questions To Ask When Hiring A Roofing Contractor

Every home needs a quality roof, so when it’s time for a replacement or some repairs to be done, make sure you have only the best handling the job. 

Every home needs a quality roof, so when it’s time for a replacement or some repairs to be done, make sure you have only the best handling the job. 

Landmark Exteriors has been helping homeowners care for their roofing systems for more than two decades. When hiring a roofing contractor, these are the important questions to ask: 

What type of roofing do you do?

Not every residential roofing company can install and repair all roofing materials. There are plenty of popular roofing materials that homeowners opt for, including asphalt shingles, cedar, slate, metal, and more that all require their own expertise to work with. Make sure the company you’re contracting is an expert in your desired roofing material.  

Do you have references from previous jobs?

It’s important to hire roofers with experience and reputable references. Be sure to ask for some information and photos of previous jobs they’ve worked on. A reliable roofer will have a list of people they’ve worked with to use as a reference. If you do reach out to any of those references, be sure to ask if there were any problems while working with the roofers and, if so, what they did to resolve the issue.  

Do you have insurance and the appropriate licensing?

Your roofing contractor should have insurance that will cover any damages to your home in case of a problem, so don’t be afraid to ask to see the documentation for yourself. As well, they should have all the appropriate licensing on state, city, and county levels that ensure they are meeting every qualification. You can double-check with your local licensing office that their license is up to date and there are no outstanding violations.  

Do you offer a warranty?

Ask what their warranty policy is and what exactly will be covered. Most warranties last a year, but others will last even longer. Be sure also to see if an extended warranty will raise the cost of the overall job.  

Do you use subcontractors at all?

If the roofers outsource work to other subcontractors, it’s best to know this ahead of time and make sure they are also experienced, licensed, and have insurance. They should also be able to tell you the name and address of these subcontractors. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Every home needs a quality roof, so when it’s time for a replacement or some repairs to be done, make sure you have only the best handling the job. 

Landmark Exteriors has been helping homeowners care for their roofing systems for more than two decades. When hiring a roofing contractor, these are the important questions to ask: 

  1. What type of roofing do you do?

Not every residential roofing company can install and repair all roofing materials. There are plenty of popular roofing materials that homeowners opt for, including asphalt shingles, cedar, slate, metal, and more that all require their own expertise to work with. Make sure the company you’re contracting is an expert in your desired roofing material.  

  1. Do you have references from previous jobs?

It’s important to hire roofers with experience and reputable references. Be sure to ask for some information and photos of previous jobs they’ve worked on. A reliable roofer will have a list of people they’ve worked with to use as a reference. If you do reach out to any of those references, be sure to ask if there were any problems while working with the roofers and, if so, what they did to resolve the issue.  

  1. Do you have insurance and the appropriate licensing?

Your roofing contractor should have insurance that will cover any damages to your home in case of a problem, so don’t be afraid to ask to see the documentation for yourself. As well, they should have all the appropriate licensing on state, city, and county levels that ensure they are meeting every qualification. You can double-check with your local licensing office that their license is up to date and there are no outstanding violations.  

  1. Do you offer a warranty?

Ask what their warranty policy is and what exactly will be covered. Most warranties last a year, but others will last even longer. Be sure also to see if an extended warranty will raise the cost of the overall job.  

  1. Do you use subcontractors at all?

If the roofers outsource work to other subcontractors, it’s best to know this ahead of time and make sure they are also experienced, licensed, and have insurance. They should also be able to tell you the name and address of these subcontractors. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

How To Handle A Roofing Emergency

Unfortunately, emergencies happen — which is why it’s so important to be prepared for the unexpected! Leaks open up, tree limbs fall, and more can harm the well-being of your roofing system when you least expect it and cause serious problems. 

Unfortunately, emergencies happen — which is why it’s so important to be prepared for the unexpected! Leaks open up, tree limbs fall, and more can harm the well-being of your roofing system when you least expect it and cause serious problems. 

From the roofing experts at Landmark Exteriors, here’s a step by step guide on how best to handle a serious roofing emergency:

Don’t panic.

The first step when a roofing emergency arises is to remain as calm as you can. If you’re panicking, it won’t be easy to assess the situation properly and start correcting the problem. It’s also possible the damage looks a lot worse than it really is, and your roofers will be able to fix everything good as new.  

Minimize damage and project as best as you can.

The next thing to do is minimize the damage to your interior as best you can. If there is water leaking, add buckets and tarps to the space to protect the area and then keep your distance. If there is a tree protruding, make sure everyone clears the area and stays away. Do not try and do any repairs yourself.  

Contact your insurance company.

As soon after the damage occurs as possible, give your homeowner’s insurance company a call to explain what happened. Unexpected roof damages can be expensive to repair, but your insurance may cover repairs, hotel costs, and more to help you while the situation is addressed. Your insurance will send an adjuster to inspect the damages and determine the value of your claim. 

Contact an expert roofing team. 

Along with your insurance company, it’s crucial to get in touch with your local roofing experts. They’ll come to your home quickly to assess the damage and develop the best plan of action to fix your roofing system.  

Trust the professionals and keep yourself safe. 

It may be tempting to try and fix the problem yourself, but it’s important to let the professionals do their job. Your focus should be on keeping you and your family safe and assisting the professionals in any way they ask. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Unfortunately, emergencies happen — which is why it’s so important to be prepared for the unexpected! Leaks open up, tree limbs fall, and more can harm the well-being of your roofing system when you least expect it and cause serious problems. 

From the roofing experts at Landmark Exteriors, here’s a step by step guide on how best to handle a serious roofing emergency:

  1. Don’t panic.

The first step when a roofing emergency arises is to remain as calm as you can. If you’re panicking, it won’t be easy to assess the situation properly and start correcting the problem. It’s also possible the damage looks a lot worse than it really is, and your roofers will be able to fix everything good as new.  

  1. Minimize damage and project as best as you can.

The next thing to do is minimize the damage to your interior as best you can. If there is water leaking, add buckets and tarps to the space to protect the area and then keep your distance. If there is a tree protruding, make sure everyone clears the area and stays away. Do not try and do any repairs yourself.  

  1. Contact your insurance company.

As soon after the damage occurs as possible, give your homeowner’s insurance company a call to explain what happened. Unexpected roof damages can be expensive to repair, but your insurance may cover repairs, hotel costs, and more to help you while the situation is addressed. Your insurance will send an adjuster to inspect the damages and determine the value of your claim. 

  1. Contact an expert roofing team. 

Along with your insurance company, it’s crucial to get in touch with your local roofing experts. They’ll come to your home quickly to assess the damage and develop the best plan of action to fix your roofing system.  

  1. Trust the professionals and keep yourself safe. 

It may be tempting to try and fix the problem yourself, but it’s important to let the professionals do their job. Your focus should be on keeping you and your family safe and assisting the professionals in any way they ask. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

What To Do With Your Fall Leaves

Leaf cleanup on your property is an important job every time fall rolls around, and it can seem like foliage just keeps on piling up. Instead of mindlessly filling up bags with your autumn leaves, turn them into something beneficial or fun!  

The team at Landmark Exteriors has some ideas for what you can do with your fall leaves, besides leaving them in a bag on your curb:

Make Mulch

Leaves are a natural mulch that can help protect your gardens! Add some leaves to the tops of your soil to prevent weed growth, and as an added layer of protection from the cold and snow, so your plants are healthy and happy once spring returns.  

Improve Your Soil

You can also take some shredded leaves and mix them right into your soil. As they decompose, your soil will become more nutrient-rich, leading to more earthworms and other microorganism activities that help your plants grow.  

Get a Compost Pile Started

If you’re not already composting, now is a great time to start! Take your fall leaves and pile them in an open corner of your yard to get your compost started; making a simple structure with wood or chicken wire helps them not to blow away. Keep layering other compostable materials such as grass clippings and kitchen scraps and watch them decompose throughout fall and winter. When spring arrives, you’ll have a great compost mix to add to your garden soil.  

Make a Scarecrow

If you’re looking for a fun fall project with the kids, try making your very own scarecrow! Use old clothes, some dry leaves, and grab a pole to display your new creation to ward off birds in your garden. 

Fall Decorations

Some of your fallen leaves may be more attractive than others, so take advantage of these! You can use leaves with different colors and shapes to make some gorgeous fall-themed decorations for both inside and outside your home. Try adding them into a vase with some fall flowers or lights!

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

How Do I Remove Leaves From My Roof?

Autumn is here, which means those leaves will fall and make a mess before you know it. With the many lists of things homeowners have to worry about, leaves piling up on your roof may not be one of them, but it’s something important to consider, and here’s why:

Why Do You Need to Remove Leaves From Your Roof?

If you ignore your leaf piles on the roof, the dead foliage will decay and eventually cause moisture to be trapped against any roof shingles. With this trapped moisture, mold and algae are likely to grow, causing serious and costly damage. 

Also, the leaves will eventually make their way into your gutter system, causing clogs and preventing water from being safely drained away from your home. This is especially a concern if you haven’t taken the time to clean out your gutters during the fall season. 

How to Get Rid of Leaves on Your Roof

Unfortunately, the strong winds may not be enough for them to blow off completely to let you avoid any concern. Taking a hands-on approach to removing your roof’s leaves is the best to ensure there are no issues — and here are your best options:

  • Roof rake – You can buy a roof rake from your local store that helps you brush off leaves from your roof while safely standing on the ground. A broom attached to an extension pole can also work if you don’t want to purchase a roof rake.
  • Blower – If you have a ladder handy and someone to help hold it steady, you can take your leaf blower up and quickly blow all the leaves off your roof. 
  • Call a professional – Give your local roofers a call for help cleaning off and inspecting your roof, so you don’t have to worry. 

The tool you use will depend on the pitch of your roof and your comfortability, but calling a professional for help and advice is always your best bet. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and installations this fall season!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing systems look great and function properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.