5 Tips to Help You Save on Heating This Winter

Winter is here, so it’s time to turn up the heat. But with rising energy costs, keeping your home warm can add up quickly. Luckily, you can use some easy tips and tricks to save money on your heating bills this winter. 

Here are five suggestions to help you stay warm without breaking the bank:

Set Your Thermostat at a Reasonable Temperature 

Space heaters are a great way to target specific rooms or areas needing additional warmth without raising the temperature throughout your entire home. This will give you more control over where heat is being used and help reduce energy waste. Just remember to buy an energy-efficient space heater and follow all safety instructions while using it! 

Use Space Heaters for Targeted Heat 

Space heaters are a great way to target specific rooms or areas in need of additional warmth without having to raise the temperature throughout your entire home. This will give you more control over where heat is being used and help reduce energy waste. Just remember to buy an energy-efficient space heater and follow all safety instructions while using it. 

Check Your Home for Drafts 

Drafty windows and doors let cold air into your house, forcing your furnace to work harder than necessary to keep things warm. To prevent drafts from sapping away precious warmth, inspect windows, doors, ceilings, walls, fireplaces, pipes, vents, and other sources of air leakage in your home. Fix any gaps with weatherstripping or caulking as needed — you may be surprised at how much this simple step can improve insulation! 

Install Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans might not seem like they have much place in a winter home, but they do! By reversing their direction so that they spin clockwise instead of counterclockwise (which should be clearly marked on the fan), ceiling fans will help pull hot air down from the ceiling back into living areas where occupants are sitting or sleeping. This method helps keep them warmer while reducing reliance on costly heating systems.

Add Insulation Where Necessary

The more insulation you have around your home (especially in attics), the less energy it takes to stay heated throughout the winter months. Investing in insulation will pay off later when those energy savings start rolling in year after year!

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and replacements!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing system looks great and functions properly for years to come. If you need assistance preparing for winter weather conditions or would like a professional inspection of your roof before winter sets in, contact us today! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Why You Should Be Concerned By Ice Dams

Ice dams are an increasingly common problem for homeowners during the winter months. While they may not seem like a major concern on the surface, ice dams can cause several issues, including roof damage, interior water damage, and mold growth. 

What are Ice Dams?

Ice dams are caused by an uneven buildup of snow and ice along the edges of a roof. As temperatures warm up, often during the day, heat from your home melts some of the snow on your roof. The melted snow then flows down to cooler parts of the roof, where it refreezes and forms an icy barrier or “dam” that prevents additional melting water from draining off safely. This can cause water to build up behind the dam and eventually leak into your home through the eaves, damaging ceilings, walls, insulation, and other areas.

Why Should I Be Concerned About Ice Dams? 

The primary concern with ice dams is that they can cause serious water damage to both your roof and your home’s interior. When left unchecked, this water damage can lead to structural issues, mold growth, and other contaminants inside your home. Like your roof, the heavy weight of ice dams can also damage or destroy your gutter system. To protect your home and everything inside during the winter season, it’s important to address ice dam issues quickly to minimize potential damage. 

Aside from damage to your home, ice dams can suddenly fall on whatever is below as they melt. This means any property below can get damaged. As well, people, pets, or animals can get injured from falling ice and snow. For this reason, it’s best to stay away from ice dams and get them professionally removed.  

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and replacements!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing system looks great and functions properly for years to come. If you need assistance preparing for winter weather conditions or would like a professional inspection of your roof before winter sets in, contact us today! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

New Year’s Resolutions For Your House

Most often, people’s new year’s resolutions are about self-improvement and building better personal habits. Rarely do people make goals about caring for their home when a few simple tasks could make a big difference in the well-being of your house and your comfort and security while relaxing in your humble abode.

Make this new year the time to prioritize your home’s exterior maintenance with these resolutions:

Have Your Roofing System Inspected

Homeowners should have their roofing system inspected at least once a year to ensure that it is in proper working order and to catch any potential problems before they become bigger. A roofing system inspection can help identify damaged or missing shingles, water damage, and other issues that could lead to more serious problems down the road.

Check Your Attic Ventilation

Your attic is a key part of your home’s ventilation system and keeping your roof protected from the elements; heat being improperly emitted from the attic to the roof can cause ice dam formation and serious damage, as well as cause your heating bills to skyrocket. One easy way to improve your attic’s ventilation is to check your attic ventilators and ensure they are working properly. Attic ventilators help move hot air out of your attic in the summer and cold air out of your attic in the winter, which helps keep your home comfortable year-round. 

Keep Water Out of Your Home

We always want to keep water from getting inside your home. Your roof, gutters, and downspouts do a lot of work to help mitigate water safely away from your house, but they can get overworked, too, especially during a brutal winter with lots of storms. Help and protect your home this winter by shoveling snow away from the foundation, be on the lookout for water stains in your attic, particularly around the rafters, and keep an eye out for leaks throughout your house. 

Get Exterior Damages Fixed

Any damages to your home’s exterior (broken siding panels, potholes in the driveway, rusted gutters, etc.) will only worsen over time until it’s too late and you have a serious and costly problem on your hands. Make this the year you stop putting off those important repairs and schedule an appointment with a professional to examine and fix them. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and replacements!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing system looks great and functions properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

5 Roofing Dangers to Watch Out For This Winter

Winter is a time when homeowners must be extra vigilant about their roofing system. With the snow, ice, and extreme temperatures that come with this season, several potential dangers could cause serious damage to your roof. 

To help you protect your roof and home this winter, the Landmark Exteriors team has put together a list of five roofing dangers to watch out for:

Five Winter Roofing Hazards

Ice Dams

Ice dams are ridges of ice that form along the edges of roofs in cold climates. They usually form due to heavy snow accumulation combined with heat escaping from inside the house. As heat melts the snow on top of the roof, it runs down towards the edge and refreezes, forming an ice dam. Ice dams can cause water to back up underneath shingles or leak into your home through cracks in walls and windowsills. The best way to prevent ice dams is by removing snow from your roof after a heavy storm and ensuring that proper attic insulation and ventilation are installed in your home.

Flashing Leaks

The flashing on a roof is the flat, thin pieces of metal around the roof’s perimeter that provide waterproof protection and protrusions in the roofing system. Roof flashing is particularly vulnerable to damage in the winter from heavy snow storms and ice build-up. Having your flashing inspected ahead of snowstorms to ensure they are not loose or damaged will help avoid any complications; even just a bit of packed snow can loosen them further to the point of falling off. 

Wind Damage

High winds can damage roofs during any season, but they become especially dangerous during winter as heavy snow accumulations increase wind loads on roofs. Make sure you check for missing or damaged shingles after each storm and have them repaired immediately if necessary. Regularly maintaining trees near your home can also help prevent wind damage, as large branches could fall onto your roof during high winds and cause significant damage if left unchecked. 

Extreme Temperatures

Extremely cold temperatures and rapid temperature shifts can wreak havoc on even the sturdiest of roofs over time by weakening sealants around flashing points or causing expansion/contraction issues in materials like asphalt shingles or metal panels. To protect against extreme temperature damage, make sure you have adequate insulation (including insulation between rafters) in place so that heat doesn’t escape too quickly from inside your home. This will keep temperatures more consistent on both sides of your roof, which will reduce wear and tear over time.  

Shingle Blow Offs

Shingles can blow off when strong winds lift up individual tabs due to improper installation or missing fasteners (e.g., nails). To protect against shingle blow offs, hire a professional contractor specializing in reroofing so they can properly install new shingles with appropriate fasteners that meet local building codes and will last confidently through winter. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and replacements!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing system looks great and functions properly for years to come. If you need assistance preparing for winter weather conditions or would like a professional inspection of your roof before winter sets in, contact us today! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Reasons to Get a Roof Inspection Before Winter

Is Your Roof Ready For Winter? Get a Professional Roof Inspection Today!

As winter is quickly approaching, it’s important to ensure that your roof is ready for the cold and icy weather. The last thing you want is for your roof to spring a leak in the middle of a snowstorm — so getting a professional roof inspection before the temperature drops is an essential part of home maintenance.

Why You Should Get a Roof Inspection Ahead of Winter

From the roofing experts at Landmark Exteriors, here are some of the reasons why getting a roof inspection before winter should be on your to-do list: 

Peace Of Mind 

A professional roof inspection will bring peace of mind knowing that your roof is ready for whatever winter throws its way. A good inspector can spot potential problems and advise you on fixing them before they become catastrophic. That way, you can rest easy knowing that your home’s roof will keep you safe and dry all year round. 

Identifying Problem Areas 

A qualified inspector knows exactly what to look for when inspecting a roof and can identify potential problem areas in no time. They will check things like the flashing around chimneys, plumbing vents, skylights, and other fixtures, along with the shingles’ condition, any signs of curling or deterioration due to age, and any other factors that may affect the integrity of your roof. This allows them to catch any issues before they snowball into major and costly problems during the winter months.

Save Money In The Long Run 

Getting an inspection now can potentially save you money down the line by preventing costly repairs or replacements come springtime. Small issues like missing shingles or gaps in flashing may not seem like big deals now, but they can lead to major headaches (and expenses) later if left unchecked by a professional roofing inspector capable of making recommendations on how best to address them now rather than later when costs could be much higher.   

Don’t wait until it’s too late – get your roof inspected today! 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and replacements!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing system looks great and functions properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Tips For Safely Hanging Your Christmas Lights

As the holiday season approaches, it’s time to start thinking about decorating your home with festive Christmas lights; decorating it with festive lights is a great way to get into the holiday spirit! Hanging your lights can be tricky, but if you follow a few simple tips, you can ensure that everything is done properly and safely.

How to Hang Your Christmas Lights Safely

Safety First 

The most important thing to remember when hanging Christmas lights is safety. Be sure you are using approved outdoor lighting fixtures and cords rated for outdoor use. It’s also important to check the electrical rating on any extension cords you may need to use, as they must also be rated for outdoor use. If you plan on getting on a ladder, always make sure it’s sturdy and not damaged in any way. As well, enlist the help of someone you trust to hold the ladder and help you hang your lights. 

Start With the Outline 

When hanging your Christmas lights, it’s best to start with a plan by outlining the structure of your house or yard before filling it in with strands of light bulbs. This will give you an idea of how much space you have available for decorations and will also make it easier to plan out exactly which type of lighting fixtures and cords will be needed. Consider using timers or motion sensors if you want your displays to turn on automatically at night or when someone passes by them. 

Hang On Tightly!     

Once you’ve outlined where everything will go and have all the supplies ready, it’s time to start attaching your lights. Make sure that all your lights are carefully secured to your house, and each bulb is securely attached so there won’t be any gaps in your display — this is especially important if you’re using strings of mini-lights instead of larger bulbs like C7s or C9s. Also, try not to twist or tangle up strands too much, as this can cause them to short out over time. Finally, don’t forget ladders or other tools, such as roof hooks, that may be necessary for reaching higher spots on your house or yard! 

Contact The Professionals

The safest and easiest way to decorate your home’s exterior with holiday lights is to enlist help from professionals. Your local roofing company in Fairfield County, CT, can assist you with getting the job done to ensure your house looks bright and beautiful all holiday season long. 

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, replacements and assistance decorating your roof for the holidays!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing system looks great and functions properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Should I Remove Snow From my Roof?

It’s that time of year again! The snow is falling, the temperatures are dropping, and you may be wondering if you should remove the snow from your roof. After all, all that extra weight couldn’t be good for your roof, right? Well, it turns out that the answer is a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no. 

From the Landmark Exteriors team, here are the pros and cons of removing snow from your roof:

Pros of Removing Snow From Your Roof

One of the biggest benefits of removing snow from your roof is that it can help to prevent ice dams. Ice dams occur when melting snow refreezes at the edge of your roof, creating a dam that prevents further melting snow from draining off of your roof. This can lead to serious damage to your shingles, gutters, and soffits. In addition, removing snow from your roof can also help to prevent leaks and other water damage. 

Another reason to consider removing snow from your roof is that you can reduce the risk of excessive weight on your roofing system, causing damage such as leaks and holes, and in extreme cases, collapse. Although your roof is built to handle the extra weight, heavy amounts of snow and ice build-up can be dangerous.  

Cons of Removing Snow From Your Roof

Of course, there are also some drawbacks to removing snow from your roof. One of the biggest dangers of removing snow from your roof is that you could cause damage in the process. If you’re not careful, you could accidentally break off shingles or pull up gutters as you try to remove the snow. In addition, if you’re not properly prepared and dressed for the cold weather, you could end up putting yourself at risk for hypothermia or frostbite. This is why it’s best to call the professionals to handle the job. 

Professional Roof Snow Removal Services

Removing snow from your roof yourself can be very dangerous, which is why it’s a job best left to professionals. For homeowners in and around Fairfield County, CT, and Westchester County, NY, turn to the Landmark Exteriors team for all your roofing needs, including roof snow removal. Our professional team will carefully remove snow and ice from your roof, assess your roofing system’s condition, and search for any damages you need to be aware of.  

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and replacements!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing system looks great and functions properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Can I Replace my Roof in the Winter?

You Can Replace Your Roof During The Winter!

It’s wintertime, and for many of us, that means hunkering down and avoiding any major home improvement projects. But what if your roof needs repairs or a replacement? Surely that’s a job best left for warmer weather, right? Wrong! 

One of the biggest myths about roofing is that it can only be done in warm weather. In reality, though, there are plenty of reasons to replace your roof in the winter.  

Advantages of a Winter Roof Replacement

Here are some of the benefits of a winter roof replacement:

  • Cut Costs – Winter is a less busy time for most roofing companies, so many businesses will offer specials and discounts to increase their sales. 
  • Quick Scheduling – Since it isn’t peak season, there will likely be more flexibility when it comes to scheduling, and it could get the job started quicker. 
  • Prevent Winter Damage – Winter ice and snow can wreak havoc on a damaged or old roof, so if it needs to be replaced, don’t hope you’ll make it through the season and wait for spring. Instead, get it done as soon as possible so you’ll rest assured your home is protected from the winter weather. 
  • Lower Energy Bills – A new roof can directly impact your indoor heat usage and energy bills during the winter months, so save money now by getting your roof replaced when winter arrives. 
  • Ready to Sell Your Home – Spring is an ideal time for many to put their homes on the market. If you’re getting a roof replacement to increase your home’s value, then getting it completed and off your to-do list in the winter, so you’re ready to go once the warmer months return, can be very helpful.  

Preparing For a Winter Roof Replacement

Of course, there are a few things to keep in mind if you do decide to replace your roof in the winter. First, make sure to hire a reputable company that has experience with winter roofing. Second, be prepared for some potential delays; snow and ice can make it difficult for workers to access your roof, and inclement weather can also lead to extended wait times for materials. Finally, ensure you have a solid plan in place for dealing with any water that may come into your home during the project; this might include bundling up, renting a storage container, or setting up some fans to dry out the area.  

Contact Landmark Exteriors for roofing inspections, repairs, and replacements!

The experts at Landmark Exteriors are here to help ensure your home’s roofing system looks great and functions properly for years to come! Give us a call at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to learn more.

Best Roofs for Cold Climates

Winter Roof Materials

Winter can be a fun time to enjoy special moments with family and friends, build snowmen, and keep warm inside with hot cocoa. However, it’s not all fun and games regarding the integrity of your home. Snow can cause damage to your roof and foundation if proper care isn’t taken and it’s not built to handle heavy amounts of ice and snow. 

From the Landmark Exteriors team, if you live in a colder climate, consider one of the following roofing materials for your next roof replacement.  


Slate is a great option for durability and protection. This loved roofing material is a great shield for all types of cold weather: hail, wind, ice, etc. It’s also dense and can hold more weight than other roofing materials.

Slate roofs also help prevent heat from dissipating out of your home, which helps maintain a good roof temperature and saves you money on your heating bills! They’re energy efficient with insulation, can withstand extremely high winds, and are expected to last up to 100 years.


Although metal roofs are lightweight, they’re strong against tough weather. They have a smooth surface, which prevents snow buildup. Snow guards, which Landmark Exteriors also install, are a great addition to a metal roof because they allow the snow to fall off in small amounts instead of all at once for added safety and roof protection. Adding heating cables to a metal roof can also help prevent ice buildup.

Concrete Tiles

Cement roof tiles can be made into various shapes and are extremely durable for all weather, including tough snow. They can withstand very cold temperatures and can easily support the weight of snow and ice that builds up after heavy snowfall. Tile roofs can also help reduce energy costs and resist damage from unpredictable storms.

Get Your Perfect Roof today!

If you’re looking for a new roof that can stand up against jarring, frigid weather, look no further than the team at Landmark Exteriors. Our team is here to help you install and maintain your home’s roofing system. We are dedicated to providing you with the best service and highest-quality materials.

Give us a call at (203) 838-3838, or visit our website to learn more!

Benefits of Snow Guard Installation

Importance of Roof Snow Guard Installation

Winter brings all types of cold weather to our environments and houses. Snow can be a fun surprise to play in or enjoy watching as it falls. But, it can also be dangerous to your house and property. Snow buildup can harm your roof and foundation and can cause injuries, which is why Landmark Exteriors is here to let you know the many benefits of a snow guard for your home’s roofing system.

What Are Snow Guards?

Winter storms cause snow to collect on the roof, and as that snow melts, layers of ice can form between the surface and the snow. This can cause the snow to then fall down in large sheets, damaging your roof or causing injury to people and other properties. 

Snow guards work to catch and spread out the snow and ice that falls on the roof. This allows the snow to melt slowly and not fall off all at once. Certain types of roofing, including metal roofs, are especially in need of these because their materials offer little friction to stop snow from falling off.

Improved Home Safety, Liability, and Value

Installing snow guards protects you and your house. They prevent large, heavy piles of snow from falling on people, animals, and items below. By reducing the chance of this happening, you’re also lessening the possibility of paying for any damages, which can be upwards of thousands of dollars.

In addition to prevention, snow guards can also increase the price of your home if you decide to sell it. They will be seen as a special feature and shown to be safe, effective, and money-saving for the new homeowner!

Long-Term Roof and Property Protection

Snow guards will also prevent cracking and roof issues that could break down the foundation and lead to leaks in your property. The weight of the snow can affect other areas of your building, including the gutters and HVAC systems. Falling snow can also flood your home’s base. This damage can be costly, so having snow guards also helps you save money.

Install Your Snow Guards Today!

Now that you recognize the importance and value of snow guards, confide in a trusted team to get the job done! At Landmark Exteriors in Fairfield County, CT, and Westchester County, NY, we provide expert snow guard installation, inspection, and maintenance services. We take pride in providing the highest quality service and care to our customers. 

Contact us at (203) 838-3838 or visit our website to get started.